The 24th president of Carthage College, John R. Swallow is a strategic, 关系, 也是致力于通过文科院校改善教育的企业家领袖.

President John Swallow Recruited as Carthage’s president in 2017, 他看到了一个不寻常的机会,可以领导一所历史悠久的文理学院,为学生创造一个更有意义的环境, 为今天更多的学生接受高等教育设计这样的环境, 这样做是为了正面应对私立高等教育部门的许多挑战, from demographics to family finances. Carthage faculty, 工作人员, 董事会领导人肯定了他认为特别引人注目的价值观组合:对文科的深刻欣赏, 出国留学, 和包容, 与此同时,我们将致力于以创业和足智多谋的方式走向未来. He entered office on July 1, 2017.

In the five years since, he has led Carthage’s evolution, 包括它提供的教育以及它如何组织自己来提供这种教育. The resulting achievements, 他把这归功于杰出的教职员工和忠诚而支持的董事会的伟大工作, include record first-year enrollments, fundraising levels nearly twice as high, the strong endorsement of alumni in a recent survey. President Swallow often remarks that, since its founding in 1847, Carthage has a distinguished 历史 of evolution, more than that of many similar institutions, finds in that ongoing evolution the source of its success. Carthage is now as strong as it has ever been, aspires to increase its reach and impact more than ever before.

In 2018 President Swallow oversaw the launch of The Aspire Program™, 一个全面的, four-year career development program for all undergraduates, deploying a $15 million gift. In 2019, 决心让尽可能多的有才华的学生能够接受bv伟德ios下载教育, 他坚持成本透明,并将bv伟德ios下载的“标价”降低了30%. 那一年,他还开始不断地引进新的课程和课外项目, which have now included undergraduate majors in 盟军的健康, 数据科学, 工程, game development, 剧本创作,特别的 bachelor’s of music programs in piano performance and collaborative piano, 音乐教育, 音乐剧; master’s degrees in athletic training, sports management, 音乐教育学, including a track in music theatre vocal pedagogy; and four new varsity athletic teams, including Carthage’s first coed team, in esports.

“我们深入思考了如何在学生bv伟德ios下载教育和梦想的过程中为他们提供最好的服务. bv伟德ios下载注重培养学生的高价值实用技能, but also boundless intellectual curiosity. Students discover their curiosity at Carthage.” — President John Swallow

2020年,他向bv伟德ios下载承诺,到2030年消除平等差距,作为该计划的一部分 Moon Shot for 股本, establishing a leadership position for Carthage in this important work, he announced a substantial Anti-Racism Plan of Action. Under his leadership, Carthage established its first alumni affinity group, the Wiggan-Kinniebrew Black 校友 Network, 并举行了庆祝bv伟德ios下载妇女150年和黑人卓越75年的活动. 这些努力包括为相关工作筹集了近1000万美元的活动, doubled the number of women on the Board of Trustees, doubled the number of board members of color. 2021年,学院正式将球队名称“红人队”和“红女队”改为“红人队” 火鸟. 这样做的时候, bv伟德ios下载开创了一种新的身份,超越了体育运动,团结了所有的学生,代表了文科的丰满, 反映了, 例如, by incorporating Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite in some formal events. 在2022-2023年,bv伟德ios下载消除了第一学期和第二学期的股权差距, 达到历史新高,不分种族或收入(根据佩尔助学金资格的定义).

斯沃洛总统一直把bv伟德ios下载的重组和未来的更新放在首位, always focused on meeting student needs and interests. 在2022年,他领导筹款为一个新的家,并扩大了学院的人员配备 Health and Counseling Center, brought together several academic departments to inaugurate a new School of Business and Economics并聘请了一家新的食品服务提供商来设定新的质量标准. Behind the scenes, 为学生的成功和进步安装了新的软件系统, 新的企业资源规划体系正在全面实施, a variety of needed building system replacements are taking place.

斯沃洛总统认为这些步骤为bv伟德ios下载的未来奠定了最坚实的基础, 他相信未来几年bv伟德ios下载的影响力将比以往任何时候都要大.

斯沃洛总裁的创业方式基于他对商业发展的浓厚兴趣, higher education, the wider nonprofit sector, including economic development and workforce development. 他是高等教育区域联盟的前任主席,该联盟由18所高等教育机构组成,招收超过125名学生,000 students in seven Wisconsin counties, together with over 10 additional partner organizations. 他曾担任基诺沙地区商业联盟的董事会主席,现在是密尔沃基大都会商业协会的领导委员会成员, 以及两个“共同奋斗”组织的领导名单, 在基诺沙县建设我们的未来和对拉辛县的更高期望.

Swallow总裁的董事会服务包括在Agnes Scott College的董事会任职8年, a women’s college in Decatur, 乔治亚州, that is recognized nationally for innovation, 社会流动性, students’ first-year experience; for 10 years as trustee and regent, including as board secretary, of his alma mater, The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee; and as a board member of the Council of Independent Colleges.

斯沃洛总统在高中毕业前辍学,在15岁时进入南方大学就读. 1989年,他以英国文学和数学的优异成绩毕业, then pursued his graduate studies at Yale, from which he holds two master’s degrees and a Ph.D., all in mathematics. Recognized early for his teaching and scholarship, he held the John T. Kimbrough chair in mathematics at Davidson College in North Carolina, 在那里教了17年数学和跨学科人文学科, winning its Omicron Delta Kappa Teaching Award in 2010. Committed to intercultural education, 他在以色列理工学院和波尔多第一大学度过了几年的假期. After beginning his career at Davidson, he was recruited in 2011 to return to his alma mater by John McCardell, 米德尔伯里学院的前校长,然后是塞瓦尼大学的副校长兼校长. 在Sewanee, Swallow served as provost, later executive vice president and chief operating officer, before assuming the presidency of Carthage.

斯沃洛校长在《伟德手机APP》上发表过文章, The Huffington Post, Inside Higher Ed, The Hechinger Report, 还有一本本科教材和二十多篇数学研究论文, many with former undergraduate honors students. In the last two years, three such co-authored research articles were published, two more are accepted for publication.

他的妻子, 卡梅隆, 作为中学数学和英语教师有丰富的经验吗, as well as teaching French, 历史, 和戏剧. In 2018 she became Wisconsin’s state co-coordinator for 勇敢的天使, a nationwide effort to depolarize political conversation, 她还担任几个地区非营利组织的董事会成员. 夫人. Swallow是蓝草乐队Flat Creek Highway的一员,该乐队在该地区各地演出.


VIDEO: President John R. Swallow: The Carthage Story